Mercury Toxicity: Real Life Experience with Dr. Hilary…
In this week’s episode of The Luminous Body Podcast we’re focusing on real-life toxic overload, and the challenging effect it has on our biochemistry. We’re looking into the signs and symptoms of mercury toxicity, and Hilary’s personal journey and experience with this diagnosis. We’ll also be sharing how she overcame it, and the benefits of using a holistic approach for the best outcomes.
Society is becoming more and more aware of gluten sensitivities, at what is seemingly an increased rate of presentation in patients. Ranging anywhere from intolerances and sensitivity, through to the autoimmune coeliac disease, gluten can have a profound effect on the entire body, not just the gut. When it comes to gluten intolerances, only approximately 40% of patients experience the typical gut symptoms. The remaining 60% experience a far broader range of neurotoxic symptoms (such as headaches, fatigue, poor mental health, and poor mental concentration), alongside varied symptoms such as an allergic-reaction-like response. Making changes to suit your own needs can include removing gluten entirely from the diet and minimising exposures as much as possible. The relationship between these causes and symptoms reflects the Triad of Health concept, in that the biochemical imbalance is then reflected in both emotional and physical imbalances too.
In an increasingly toxic world, our rate of exposure can be unexpected, and the true risk might not be known until far later when symptoms become overwhelming. Mercury can be found in a range of foods in our diet, such as fresh or canned fish and shellfish, as well as in the pesticides used on our fruits, such as the fungicides sprayed on citrus. It can also be passed through mother to child before birth as well, and there are other risks in our environment, such as when metal-based amalgam fillings are removed. Mercury is a heavy metal that accumulates over time in the body as it is not easily excreted. When it builds to higher levels, the effects on the body increase too. Common symptoms are anemia, sensory disturbances, poor mental health, chronic headaches and migraines, and can also cause disturbances in other organ systems such as the gut and kidneys.
Hilary personally was tested for mercury toxicity (via a hair test) after becoming anemic, anxious, and experiencing strange sensations in her body, with the result being an extremely high-level amount in her body. After identifying this as the cause, she had all her metal fillings removed and avoided any new exposures in her diet with a vegan, organic routine. This was then supplemented with the use of binding treatments to help her body excrete the mercury faster. As mercury is fat-soluble, not water-soluble, it can’t be flushed out purely by water. Instead, oils such as alpha-lipoic and chlorella are used to aid with the excretion of sediment. Other micronutrients such as selenium and zinc, which the body needs to function, can also be used as they compete with mercury and stop it from binding to the body at all. Alternative options for heavy metal treatment can also be chelation therapy, which is far more invasive and requires weekly IV dosages. Kinesiology is also a highly beneficial adjunct to supplementation, as it helps address the emotional aspect of toxic overload. As the body stores the stress and trauma from the time of exposure, kinesiology can help heal and release those emotions alongside the physical excretion of heavy metals. Hilary was able to obtain drastic results and a complete resolution of her symptoms after holistically focusing on her treatment options.
This image displays the results of Dr. Hilarys hair mineral analysis test showing Mercury levels off the chart.
It is important to note that these detoxing treatments can have a significant effect on the body and can interact with multiple systems and other factors in the body. Detoxifying can only work when the body is in a low-stress state, and won’t work as efficiently in a fight-or-flight state. As the toxic molecules are excreted, this new disturbance can result in detoxifying symptoms of general unwellness as they move through the body. It is highly recommended to work with a health professional to build your own detox plan to ensure both safety and efficacy.
To listen to the entire Luminous Body podcast episode ‘The Signs of Mercury Toxicity: How I Overcame It!’, you can play on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. For more inspiring stories and messages, head to the Luminous Body website or book a consultation with Dr Jaxson or Dr Hilary.