Luminous Minds - The Neuro Development Intensive Course

We Recently Completed Our First Neurodevelopment Intensive Course!

This January we had 5 participants take part in our very first neurodevelopment course at Luminous Body with Dr Jaxson Wearing. 

The goal of the intensive was to stimulate neurological pathways in the brain and body to activate neuroplasticity in areas of the brain that are either underdeveloped or not working in balance with other parts of the brain. How do we know what parts to target? By using different neurological tests as well as a comprehensive log of the participants delays or imbalances. 

We worked together everyday for 14 days using different tools to create the stimulation necessary. The key for this lies in coactivation of multiple sensory inputs. The most important of these being vibration.
Our participants varied in presentation and included people living with ADHD, Autism, Developmental Delay, Pathological Demand Avoidance, C-PTSD/PTSD and sensory processing issues. 

We saw improvements during the program but the real magic happens over the next two months as the brain integrates the changes and the participants continue their exercises at home. 

Are you, or someone you know, in need of this kind of program? Balancing the brain and connecting the mind and body have profound effects on our nervous system and our function. This area of work has been a passion for Jaxson and this program is a product of more than 10 years of working, training and researching in the field of neuroscience. Get in touch with us if you'd like to learn more.
P: (02) 8094 9992


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